Your Child's Uniqueness . . . Parenting a Lion

The lion’s determined and impatient nature can be frustrating for parents. Your child may aggravate you with his/her defiant and disobedient tendencies. Consider the following recommendations:

Discipline consistently and non-emotionally for defiance. Outline with your child the consequences for such behavior and carry them out without arguing or discussion. Make consequences relate to the offense. For example, if your child often threatens or intimidates his siblings, you may implement a consequence where he has to help his siblings with their chores when he is caught threatening.

Exert your authority as a parent without engaging in arguments or bargaining. Spend minimal time explaining your point of view. Discuss consequences for misbehavior and expectations during neutral times prior to misbehavior.

Give choices rather than ultimatums. If your child stubbornly refuses to clean his room tell him, “Johnny, you can join us for a family game after you clean your room or you can choose to not clean your room and sit out of the family game. It’s your choice.” This eliminates arguments and gives your child a sense of control and responsibility.

Reward and encourage patience, servanthood, and self-control. For example, praise and hug your child if she shows an uncharacteristic effort to wait her turn or help a sibling.

Foster leadership activities. Encourage your child to run for class president, form their own club, bring friends to church, etc. Lions have a great gift of leadership within them, and should learn early on how to best utilize this aptitude!
Stimulate your child’s enjoyment of challenges and problem-solving. Provide opportunities for her to engage in difficult activities, even if success is not guaranteed. Praise effort and gracious winning/losing.


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